Identify as AppsAnywhere in Windows Taskbar
Tyler Payne
We've had a couple "What is this strange new icon" questions after pushing out the AAW client to our Fac/Staff users. Most applications will display their title when hovered in the taskbar. The AppsAnywhere Taskbar icon does not have a hover title and is not identified as AppsAnywhere when you right click on the icon. It would be useful to users to have the application identify itself as AppsAnywhere.
Spencer Vale
Now available in client version 2.2:
Spencer Vale
in progress
Hi Tyler,
Thank you for your feedback. I'm pleased to share that in latest version of the client (2.2.0 due for release at the end of this month) there will be improved information in the taskbar. As you can see from the attached screenshot, users will be able to see the current status of the client and more information about it. They will also be able to go straight to the portal from the taskbar, as well as find the detected hardware information that is utilised in the Hardware Profiles feature if they're interested.
I have marked this feedback item as in progress. When we release the new client it will update to the status of completed and you will automatically be notified so that you know that the new client is available.
Thanks again,
Spencer Vale
AppsAnywhere Product Manager